8 Ekim 2019 Salı

Recep İvedik 6 İzle

 Recep İvedik filminin yeni serisi 6-8 Kasım tarihlerinde sinemalarda gösterime başlayacaktır. Recep İvedik'in yanlışlıkla Kenya'ya gitmesiyle gerçekleşen macereda oradaki kabilelerle karşılaşmasıyla ortaya komik sahneler çıkmıştır.
 Aşağıdaki videodan izleyebilirsiniz.

5 Ekim 2019 Cumartesi

Clash of Clans Town Hall 12 Bases Link

 These Bases are popular and you can see them from wars. I prefer to share most popular ones on this topic.
 This page will renew according to new base designs. You can follow the page and copy to link here.
1) As a first th12 base I want to share this. It starts to become popular. I see it at league war.
 It is an anti two stars base

2) This is an old base and still many players choose it.

Watch video below and see how to get 3 stars easily.

3) Outer Island Base and you can see this base especially low level clans prefer too much because of infernos places.

4)Island Internet base 

5) th12 clan league base. It is used for cwl anti 3 stars base

6) lt's a preferable war or legend base. Many players still use it. Sometimes it has good result like one star.

7) Ring base 

8) Popular itzu base and you will see it most wars.

9) This is an old and popular base. lt was a tricky base but now many player know how to attack it.

9) It is used for a clan war league and legend league. Enemies sometimes can't beat.





Th12 Popular Base 3 Stars Attack Strategy

 This attack strategies are tested by different clans and result is 3 stars. I am sure you see this type bases. You can try same attack. They are used both clan league and clan war.

Just watch the video and apply same strategy.